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With Adobe Captivate software, you can
rapidly author professional eLearning content with advanced interactivity,
software and scenario simulations, quizzes, and other engaging experiences.
Best of all, no programming or multimedia skills are required. Adobe Captivate training courses are available at our London training centre or at a client's site anywhere in the UK. Adobe Captivate courses can be tailored to your requirements. In addition to the listed courses we offer a range of Adobe courses that can be customised to client's specific requirements. |
Module 1 – Introduction to
Captivate Module 2 - Recording a software demonstration in Captivate Module 3 - Working with text captions Module 4 - Working with the Timeline Module 5 - Working with images and objects in Adobe Captivate |
Module 6 - Recording software demonstrations
with audio Module 7 - Recording an interactive simulation Module 8 - Inserting rollover captions and images Module 9 - Inserting question slides Module 10 - Using e-learning features Module 11 - Using Menubuilder |
4 Ravey Street Adobe Acrobat |