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With Adobe Captivate software, you can rapidly author professional eLearning content with advanced interactivity, software and scenario simulations, quizzes, and other engaging experiences. Best of all, no programming or multimedia skills are required.
This one day task based Adobe course is designed to give you the skills to build powerful and engaging software simulations and demonstrations using Adobe Captivate.

Adobe Captivate training courses are available at our London training centre or at a client's site anywhere in the UK. Adobe Captivate courses can be tailored to your requirements. In addition to the listed courses we offer a range of Adobe courses that can be customised to client's specific requirements.

Premier Training
Premier Training


Module 1 – Introduction to Captivate
The differences between simulations and demonstrations
Describing Captivate projects

Module 2 - Recording a software demonstration in Captivate
Using the menu bar, toolbar, timeline and filmstrip
The storyboard and edit views
The Slide properties dialog box
Checking the timings of your project

Module 3 - Working with text captions
Auto-generated text captions
Inserting and editing captions

Module 4 - Working with the Timeline
Previewing the Timeline

Module 5 - Working with images and objects in Adobe Captivate
Inserting images
Setting image properties
Setting object transitions
Merging images
Setting project preferences

Module 6 - Recording software demonstrations with audio
Scripting and recording a project
Enhanced audio management

Module 7 - Recording an interactive simulation
Recording options dialog box
Importing Powerpoint slides
Moving slides on filmstrip
Inserting buttons and text entry points

Module 8 - Inserting rollover captions and images
The rollover caption dialog box
Adding click boxes
Adding animations
Adding highlight boxes

Module 9 - Inserting question slides
Planning for questions
The Question Types dialog box

Module 10 - Using e-learning features
A learning management system
Describing the manifest file

Module 11 - Using Menubuilder
Linking to Flash SWF files

Microsoft Gold Partner

4 Ravey Street
London EC2A 4QP
t: +44(0)20 7729 1811
f:+44(0)20 7729 9412

Adobe Acrobat
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Pagemaker
Adobe Photoshop

Public Course Dates

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