Day 1: Module 1:The
General Asset Management Control Environment
- Structure and roles in an asset management firm
- Introduction to risk appetite and its calculation
- General introduction to investment asset types and associated risks
- Types of funds and how this changes risk
- Introduction to asset allocation and how this mitigates risk
- Introduction to benchmarks and performance evaluation
- Case Study: How does risk in an asset manager differ from that at
a bank?
Module 2:The Risk Management of Quoted Equity Investment
- The risks associated with acquiring securities
- The risks associated with managing securities
- Risk associated with corporate actions
- Pricing of quoted equity investments
- Major sources of risk
- General controls within equity investment
- Risks associated with international equity markets
- Tracking error
- Controls over equity valuation techniques
- Financial statement analysis
- Ratio analysis
- The selection of the benchmark
- Tracking error
- The role of middle and back office
- The risk and control environment
- Securities Lending
- Case Study: What are the problems with equity analysis?
Day 2:
Module 3:The Risk Management of Quoted Fixed income Investment
- The risks associated with acquiring and disposing of fixed income
- The use of ratings and associated risk issues
- The risks associated with pricing of fixed income securities
- Risk and controls within the corporate fixed income processing
- Risks associated with Government Securities
- Sovereign risk ratings
- The valuation of government securities
- Risk and controls within sovereign bond processing
- Case Study: What are the problems with model risk?
Module 4:The Risk Management of Real Estate Investment
- Risk associated with the acquisition process
- Corporate v residential property
- Property tenancy or property development?
- Property maintenance and tenant issues
- Property valuation and benchmarks
- Risks and controls
- Case Study: How do you evaluate property?
Module 5:The Risk Management of Alternative investments
- What are Alternative Investments?
- Structured products
- Risks and returns
- Hedge funds
- What is a hedge fund?
- Risks and Control
- Venture Capital
- Valuation issues
- Risk and Control
- Private Equity/Angel Finance
- What is private equity?
- Risks and Controls
- The use of derivatives in Asset Management
- OTC vs ETD
- Types of Derivatives used in Asset Management
- Futures
- Options
- Risks and controls associated with derivatives, including documentation,
valuation and reporting issues
- Case Studies: How will risk management deal with the issues raised
by changing instruments?
Day 3
Module 6:The Risk Management of Money Management
- Role in asset management
- Asset and liability management
- Portfolio Liquidity
- Asset diversification
- Key risks and controls
Module 7:The Risks in Asset Allocation & Portfolio Management
- Asset allocation and risk management
- Use of historical data
- Client suitability
- Risks and control
- Tactical asset allocation
- Risks associated with Core and satellite
- Risk and controls
Module 8: Operational Risk Issues
- Internal loss data
- External loss data
- Loss databases
- Identification of controls
- Identification of risks and the risk register
- Introduction to process modelling
- Introduction to key risk indicators and the balanced scorecard
- Introduction to transaction investigation procedures
- What can go wrong in asset management
- Introduction to control and risk self assessment
- Scenario modelling
- How to use scenario modelling in asset management
- Stress Testing and Sensitivity Analysis
- How to use stress testing and sensitivity analysis in asset management
- Case Study: Internal loss data and Basel
- Case Study: Develop suitable scenario and stress tests
- Case Study: Develop suitable KRIs
Day 4
Module 9:The Risks in Outsourcing and the Selection and Management
of Third Parties
- The selection process
- The service level agreement and other contracting issues
- The testing phase
- Key performance indicators
- Risks and controls
Module 10:Acquiring a Client
- Controls over new clients
- Risks associated with client take on procedures
- What information do you require for KYC?
- How can you keep this up to date?
- The client agreement
- How to judge suitability
- The moral vs actual risk dilemma
Module 11: Other Matters
- Reporting to senior management
- Escalation based reporting
- Risks and controls
- Reporting Performance
- The client report
- Standards of reporting
- Risks and controls
- Risk Issues in Pensions Fund Management
- The role of the pensions trustee
- Asset & liability management in a pension fund
- Risk and controls
- Credit risk
- Counterparty credit risk
- Use of limits
- Central counterparties
- Risks and controls
Venue:London EC2
Course Duration:
4 days
£3,195 + VAT
t: +44(0)20 7729 1811
f:+44(0)20 7729 9412