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Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced Training

This course introduces techniques for enhancing, customising and automating Excel worksheets. It includes tasks such as advanced functions, pivot tables, macros, auditing and analytical tools.

Microsoft Excel 2013 Courses

We offer a range of training courses on Microsoft Excel, from Introduction through to Microsoft Excel VBA. Excel is one of our regular scheduled training courses held at our city of London training centre.We can also offer in-house Excel training courses throughout the UK.

Excel 2010, Excel 2010 training

Please contact us for dates

Module 1 - Review of Intermediate Course

Module2 – Naming Cell Ranges
Naming cell ranges
Naming individual cells
Using named cells for moving around a workbook
Using named ranges/ cells in formulas and functions
Deleting Named cells
Modifying Named cells

Module 3 - Advanced Functions
If statements

The If Logical Statement
Nested If Statements
Using The And, Or, And Not Functions Within If
CountIf, SumIf, And AverageIf

Text functions
Left | Right | LEN | TRIM | VALUE

Date and time Functions
How Does Excel Deal With Dates & Time
Create Date Series
Calculations with Dates
What Day Of The Week Is It?
Using Today And Now Functions
DatedIf For Time Differences
DateValue And TimeValue Functions

Financial Functions

Lookup Functions
Vlook up | Hlook up
Nearest Match With VLookup
Nested Lookup Functions
Sub totals


Module 4 - Templates
Creating Templates
Accessing Templates and Editing Templates

Module 5 - Auditing a workbook
Use Formula Auditing Tools to verify formulas
Evaluate Formulas to comprehend complexity
Go To Special command to identify cells with formulas or hard-coded values
Use Excel’s Comments feature to document a spreadsheet
Error Checking to identify inconsistent formulas
Watch Window to monitor the values of key cells

Module 6 –Data Validation
Setting up Data Validation
Selecting Cells with Validation
Removing Validation

Module 7 - Macros
Overview of macros/VBA
Recording a macro
Running macros
Add Developer Tabs
Simple editing of macros

Module 8 – Excel’s Analytical tools (time permitting)
Goal seek

Module 9 – Data Tables
The One-Variable Data Table Basics
Modifying the One-Variable Data Table
Making the One-Variable Data Table More Powerful by adding formulas
The Two-Variable Data Table

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Excel VBA

Finance for Non-Financial Managers

Microsoft Gold Partner

4 Ravey Street
London EC2A 4QP
t: +44(0)20 7729 1811
f:+44(0)20 7729 9412