Module 1 – Introduction
to PowerPivot
- What is PowerPivot?
- What is a Pivot Table?
- Examples of good Pivot Tables
- PowerPivot Set-up
- Navigating the PowerPivot window
- Exploring the PowerPivot tab & field list in Excel
Module 2 – Basic PowerPivot Concepts
- Formatting Number
- Understanding Calculated Columns
- Using Lookup Tables
- Understanding Measures
- Handling Many Tables
- Refreshing Data
- Using Slicers
Module 3 - Adding data to PowerPivot
- Data sources and types supported in PowerPivot workbooks
- Importing data (from pre-prepared file)
- Add Data by using Excel Linked Tables
Module 4 - Preparing data for analysis
- Working with Tables and Columns
- Filtering and Sorting Data
- Creating Relationships Between Tables
- Creating and Working with calculations
Module 5 - Data; formatting and layout
- Creating, deleting a table
- Rename a Table or Column
- Set the Data Type of a Column
- Hide or Freeze Columns
- Undo or Redo an Action
- Sorting and filtering data in a table
Module 6 – PowerPivot and Relationships
- Understanding Relationships
- Create a Relationship Between Two Tables
- View and Edit Relationships
- Delete Relationships
- Troubleshoot Relationships
Module 7 - Calculations in PowerPivot
- Overview of Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) language
- Building Formulas for Calculated Columns and Measures
- Understanding the Use of Relationships and Lookups in Formulas
- Understanding Aggregations in Formulas
- Filtering Data in Formulas
- Recalculating Formulas
Module 8 – Understanding Data Analysis Expressions
DAX language is a new PowerPivot formula language that allows users
to define custom calculations in PowerPivot tables (calculated columns)
and in Excel PivotTables (measures).
- Calculation Foundations
- DAX Data types, DAX Operators
- Calculated Column Examples
- Measures examples
- Introduction to the Execution Context
- Handling Errors in DAX
- Common DAX Functions Examples
Module 9 – Data Models
- What is a Data Model
- Why Power Pivot Users need Data Modelling
- Physical and Logical Data Models
- Empty and Default Values
- Normalisation and Denormalisation
- Understanding how to denomalise
- The SQL Query Designer as a Data Modelling Tool - Different types
of Joins -Understanding Outer Joins
Module10 –Loading Data and Models
- Understanding Data Connections
- Loading Tables from SQL Server
- Loading Tables from Access
- Loading Data from Analysis Services
- Using Linked Tables
- Loading from Excel workbooks
- Loading from Text Files
- Loading from Data Feeds
- Loading from SharePoint
- Loading from SharePoint Reports
- Loading from SharePoint Excel
- Loading from SharePoint Lists
Module 11 - Understanding the Evaluation Context
- What is the Row Context
- What is the Filter Context
- Filter Context on a Single Table
- Evaluation Context in Detail
- Evaluation Context and Relationships
Module 12 - Shaping Reports
- Defining KPI’s
- Creating Hierachies
- Properties and Power View Reports
- Names Sets in Excel
- Using Perspectives
- Drillthrough with Power Pivot
Module 13 - Power View
- Creating Power View Reports
- Inserting New Views in the Power View
- Type of Charts and Maps
- Applying Filters To Power View Reports
- Creatintg Tiles
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