Introduction to Application
Development Using Visual Basic
Features of Visual Basic
Editions of Visual Basic
Visual Basic Terminology
Working in the development environment
Event-driven programming
Creating a program in Visual Basic
Project and executable files
Visual Basic reference materials
Self-check questions.
Visual Basic Fundamentals
Introduction to objects
Controlling objects
Properties, methods, and events
Working with forms
Introduction to controls
Basic controls
Self -check questions
Understanding modules
Using the code editor window
Other code navigation features
Code documentation and formatting
Setting environment options
Setting code formatting options
Automatic code completion features
Interacting with the user
Using the Inputbox function
Working with code statements
Managing forms
Self-check questions
Variables and Procedures
Overview of variables
Declaring variables
Variable scope
Using arrays
User-defined data types
Converting data types
Using Constants
Working with procedures
Working with dates and times
Using the format function
Manipulating text strings
Self-check questions
Controlling Program Execution
Comparison and logical operators
Using if…. Then Statements
Using select Case statements
Overview of looping structures
For…Next statement
Exiting a loop
Self-check questions
Type of errors
Break mode
Using the Debug toolbar
Using the watch Window
Using the Locals window
Tracing program flow with the call Stack
Self-check questions
Working with Controls
Types of controls
Overview of standard controls
Using ComboBox and ListBox controls
Using OptionButton and Frame controls
Working with selected text
Advanced standard controls
ActiveX controls
Insertable objects
Data Access Using the ADO Data Control
Overview of ActiveX Data objects
Visual Basic data access features
Relationship database concepts
Using the ADO Data control to access data
Structured query language (SQL)
Manipulating data
Using Data from Wizard
Self-check questions |
Controlling Program Execution
Comparison and logical operators
Using if…. Then Statements
Using select Case statements
Overview of looping structures
For…Next statement
Exiting a loop
Self-check questions
Type of errors
Break mode
Using the Debug toolbar
Using the watch Window
Using the Locals window
Tracing program flow with the call Stack
Self-check questions
Working with Controls
Types of controls
Overview of standard controls
Using ComboBox and ListBox controls
Using OptionButton and Frame controls
Working with selected text
Advanced standard controls
ActiveX controls
Insertable objects
Data Access Using the ADO Data Control
Overview of ActiveX Data objects
Visual Basic data access features
Relationship database concepts
Using the ADO Data control to access data
Structured query language (SQL)
Manipulating data
Using Data from Wizard
Self-check questions
Input Validation
Field–level validation
Using text box properties to restrict data entry
Using the Masked Edit control
Form-Level Validation
Form events used when validating data
Self-check questions
Error Trapping
Overview of run-time errors
Overview of the error handling process
The Err object
Errors and the calling chain
Errors in an error-handling routine
Inline error handling
Error-handling styles
General error-trapping options in Visual Basic
Self-check questions
Enhancing the User Interface
Status Bars
Drag and Drop
Overview of drag and drop
Mouse events
Drag-and-drop basics
Self-check questions
More about Controls
Using control arrays
Self-check questions
Finishing Touches
User interface design principles
Distributing an application
Creating a default project
Review: Steps to creating a Visual Basic Program
Development resources
Self-check questions |

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