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Advanced Excel VBA Training - Course Duration - 2 Days |
Objectives: Building on Visual Basic for Applications in Excel, this course explores the Excel macros in more detail and consolidates Excel VBA programming skills. Participants will learn to write more ambitious and robust code. Who should attend: Delegates who have attended the Introduction to Excel VBA course and have been using Excel VBA extensively. Duration: 2 days Module 1 – Overview of Introduction Course:
Module 2 – Further work on the Excel Object Model:
Module 3 – Events
Module 4 – Arrays
Module 5 – Object Oriented Programming
Module 6 – Good Programming Techniques
Module 7 – Advanced Procedures, parameters
Module 8 – Linking with Office Applications
Module 9 – Add-ins
Module 10 - (optional) Importing /Exporting from /to Access usin DAO and ADO Content 3
4 Ravey Street |