- 1 DAY
How clear writing and message-structuring will transform your documents
A course for anyone who has to write or edit
documents. You’ll get hands-on practice and learn a series of techniques
and tips that will help you to:
- Produce more reader-focused documents that are clearer, shorter,
and more effective.
- Use message-structure and summaries to make documents clear, easy
to read, and engaging.
- Recognise – and avoid – the writing-style glitches that
make documents hard to read (e.g. long sentences, jargon, the passive
Who should attend?
The course suits all educational backgrounds, and is helpful for anyone
who has to:
- Write, edit, or contribute to, reports and other internal documents.
- Write, edit, or contribute to, any documents that will be read by
clients or customers.
The one day course Includes: |

4 Ravey Street
London EC2A 4QP
t: +44(0)20 7729 1811
f:+44(0)20 7729 9412 |
A) Three principles for clear, effective
- Put the reader first
Learn how to focus on what readers want to know, rather than what you
want to tell them
- Structure your message, and use summaries
How to present your main points clearly, and
structure your argument or content so that it’s clear and compelling.
- Use the magic of threes
How to use threes (three key points, three
‘reasons why’ etc) to make your documents easy
to read and remember.
B) Using the communication toolbox
- Simple rules for a clearer writing style
How to write shorter sentences, use the active voice, and watch out
for commonly confused words.
- Tools for a well-structured document
How to write, and get the most out of:
– clear headlines
– bold subheadings
– bullet point lists.
- Formatting and presentation tricks
Making the most of panel stories, simple text-tables,
and basic graphics and flow charts.
What attendees will get out of the
- Individual feedback for each attendee. You’ll get feedback
on examples of your writing and tips for improvements (attendees submit
examples one week before the course).
- Full one-day course; discuss your individual feedback with the trainer
at the session, and there are plenty of hands-on exercises to apply
the principles – a combination of practice and theory.
- Workbook that covers all the topics from the course and includes:
before-and-after examples, hints-and-tips pages, checklists, commonly
confused words.