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Working with Assertiveness Workshop

Business Scenario:
Ask many capable people to define the difference between assertive and aggressive behaviour and you’ll receive answers that create a curious blurring of the two. And yet they are distinctive and separate: sufficiently distinct to create markedly different levels of success in the workplace.

Who should attend? All new / untrained Team Leaders (or Supervisors / Junior Managers) or other staff in demanding positions.

Assertiveness at work training courses

Working with Assertiveness Course Content - Duration Half Day

The programme includes:

  • Differentiating between Assertive and Aggressive behaviours
  • The benefits that assertiveness inevitably brings
  • The different types of assertion available to you
  • How to assertively:
    Give another member of staff bad news
    Make and refuse requests
    State your point of view
    Give and receive praise
  • Conversational roles in a challenging situation.

The approach:
Through group exercises, informal discussions and action planning, delegates identify – and commit to - the key behaviours that will achieve improved workplace effectiveness.

Microsoft Gold Partner

4 Ravey Street
London EC2A 4QP
t: +44(0)20 7729 1811
f:+44(0)20 7729 9412