DAY ONE Director
- Creating a storyboard
- The Cast, Score and Stage
- Importing cast members
- Working with sprites
- Using inks to alter the relationship between sprites
- Editing cast members
- Using the Paint window
- Internal and external casts
Using the score
- How the score is structured
- The control panel
- Making the score easy to read
- Adding markers
- Basic animation techniques
- Using the Timeline
- Tweening techniques
- Working with key frames
- Previewing your animation
- Reversing animations
- Creating film loops
Transitions, sounds, video and Flash
- Adding and editing transitions
- Drag and drop behaviours
- Using blends in the score
- Using the sound channels
- Using the vector drawing tools
- Importing video
- Controlling digital video
- Importing Flash content
Adding interactivity
- Using the Behaviours Inspector
- Markers and navigation
- Using Lingo scripts for navigation
- Advanced navigation techniques
- Navigating between Director movies
- Using the Library palette
- Drag and drop behaviours
- Built-in button Behaviours
- Custom cursors and buttons
- Fonts and menus
Alpha channels and masks
- Sprite properties and palettes
- Importing 32 bit images
- PSD vs PNG
Learning Lingo
- Useful Lingo scripts
- Adapting Lingo scripts
- Different types of scripts
- When to use different scripts
- Handlers and Events
- Navigating with Lingo
- Controlling Sprites with Lingo
- Controlling sound with Lingo
Synchronising with digital video
- Cropping digital video
- Optimising your movie
- Using Cue Points in video
- Controlling video with Lingo
- Cross platform issues
- Keyboard control
Working with DVD video
- DVD support
- DVD events manager
3D in Director
- Importing W3D files
- Overview of Director 3D
- 3D sprite properties
- Using 3D behaviours
Exporting from Director
- Creating a Projector
- Embedding fonts
- File size issues
- Using Xtras
- The Shockwave format
- Testing your movie
- Creating an AutoRun file for CD-ROMs
Windows Shortcuts
Macintosh Shortcuts
Questions and answers |

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