Objectives: Visio Services lets users share and view Visio diagrams. It also enables data-connected Visio diagrams to be refreshed and updated from various data sources.
In this course, you’ll learn how to make Data-Driven visualizations easier to create than ever before.
Through exploration and navigation of these rendered diagrams you will see how they are supported within the Visio Web Access Web Part. Page designers can configure the user interface and functionality of the Web Part. Visio Services can also refresh the data and recalculate the visuals of a Visio diagram hosted on a SharePoint site. This enables published diagrams to refresh connections to various data sources and to update affected data graphics and text fields.
Target Audience: Delegates attending this course should have a good working knowledge of Visio and some understanding of SharePoint.
Duration: 1 Day
Module 1 – Review
of some important Visio Features
- A review of some functionality within Visio
- Hints and Tips for Visio Regularly used functions
- Hyperlinking with Visio
Module 2 – Data Connections with Visio
- Connecting Visio to data sources
- Linking shapes to records
- Updating data sources
- Refreshing a diagram
Module 3 – Creating Data Graphics in Visio
- Whatare data graphics?
- Create a data graphic
- Add a text graphic to a shape
- Add a data bar to a shape
- Add an icon set to a shape
- Apply a fill color by data value
- Apply an existing data graphic to a shape
- Change an existing data graphic
- Remove a data graphic from a shape
Module 4 – Introduction
to Visio Services
- A review of possible applications in a Visio Services Library
- Saving a file to a Visio Services library
- Identifying the dynamic elements of a drawing in Visio Services
- Using the Visio Services web part
- Advanced Visio Services web Part concepts
- Web page parameters in Visio
- Navigation and hyperlinks in a web diagram
- Linking a web diagram with a SharePoint list
- Linking one Visio web diagram with another in separate web parts
- Using Javascript to control transactions in SharePoint
- Using Javascript to control assets on a web drawing – such as shape
line colouration
Module 5 – Managing Visio Services
- Visio Services security
- Visio Services control parameters
Module 6 - Assessing Server requirements for supporting
Visio Services functionality
- Defining performance attributes
- Assessing the network asset
- Calculating Visio Services server capacity